Celebrating Positive Behavior!
Students at McKinley Elementary (also known as “Eagles”) have a lot of positive encouragement to motivate them each day at school. Here’s a brief overview of the special acknowledgements our McKinley Eagles experiences each day and week.
Individual Eagle Way Tickets: This acknowledgement is based on students earning Eagle Way tickets for demonstrating school-wide expectations. All staff carry Eagle Way tickets with them and hand them out to students who are “caught” following the expected behaviors. A student may not ask for an Eagle ticket.
Whole-class Eagle Way Tickets: These tickets are handed out when an entire class is demonstrating expectations. A large fishbowl is kept in the main office in which classrooms can keep their whole-class tickets. Every Wednesday (“Eagle Way Wednesday”), three tickets are drawn and the ‘winning classes’ named during morning announcements. These classes can determine their own reward and when to use it (e.g. extra recess, more computer time, extra read aloud time, etc.).
Eagle Way Students of the Week: Every Friday, each homeroom class selects a student who has done an exemplary job of demonstrating the Eagle Way. Those students are recognized as “Eagle Way Students of the Week” during morning announcements. Those students come to the office to receive a special recognition certificate and have a group picture taken for posting in the Eagle’s Nest display near the front door. Students take their certificates home and their group picture is posted on our school’s social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our web site).
Eagle Way Class of the Week: Every Friday, McKinley special subject teachers select one homeroom class that does an exemplary job of demonstrating the Eagle Way. That class is recognized as the “Eagle Way Class of the Week” during morning announcements. That class has the honor of displaying the “Class of the Week” poster outside their classroom and also has their class picture displayed in the hallway outside the office. Their class picture is also posted on our school’s social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our web site).
The McKinley Attendance Challenge: Every two weeks, the classroom that has the best attendance record is recognized with an attendance award. The class can determine their reward and schedule it with their teacher. After all, we can’t learn if we aren’t here.
Positive Office Referrals: Students can be recognized for going ‘above and beyond’ the call of duty when it comes to their behavior and/or academic work in school. Students who have earned this recognition receive a special “Positive Office Referral” certificate from their teacher and signed by the Principal. They receive a small treat and have their picture taken to post in the hallway outside their classroom. This is just another way of encouraging our students to do their very best work while at school.