Resources for Families
A list of other interesting and helpful web sites that students, parents and teachers can access.
Active Parenting | Active Parenting programs empower families by providing parents with the skills to help their children survive and thrive in our changing world. |
Autism Speaks | This website is part of a campaign that seeks to educate parents about the growing rate of autism in this country and to ultimately increase the level of early detection. |
Covering Kids | Covering Kids & Families promotes low-cost and free health care coverage for children and families. | | Basic pointers, resources, and advice to help families going through divorce. This page is specifically designed for parents to help children and adolescence work through their impending divorce in healthy ways. |
Family Education Network | An online consumer network of the world’s best learning and information resources, personalized to help parents, teachers, and students of all ages take control of their learning and make it part of their everyday lives. |
Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health | The National family-run organization dedicated exclusively to helping children with mental health needs and their families achieve a better quality of life. |
Focus Adolescent Services | This is an internet clearinghouse for resources on teen and family issues. |
Friends Of Quinn | Friends of Quinn is a website dedicated to providing parents with information on and what to do if they suspect their child has a learning disability, where to find support for their child if they are diagnosed, and available resources for helping a child with a diagnosis succeed in all areas of their development. |
Futures Without Violence | Everyone has the right to live free of violence. Futures Without Violence, formerly Family Violence Prevention Fund, works to prevent and end violence against women and children around the world. |
Helping Your Child Series | This series of booklets is issued by the Education Department. They offer practical activities to stimulate children’s learning. |
Love and Logic | Love and Logic products provide parents and teachers with easy-to-use, practical techniques that help adults achieve respectful and healthy relationships with children. |
Medicines In My Home | The website provides classroom materials and resources for teachers and on-line information for students and their families. Students will learn key concepts from the program in medicine safety. |
Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights | The PACER Center’s mission is to improve and expand opportunities that enhance the quality of life for children and young adults with all disabilities and their families. |
Parent Center | Online resource center for parents of kids ages 2-8. |
Parents Helping Parents | A family resource center for those who have a need for special services due to any special need (e.g. illness, cancer, accidents, birth defects, neurological conditions, premature birth, learning or physical disabilities, mental health issues, attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder, etc. |
Parents. The Anti-Drug | This site provides information for parents and educators about drugs, drug-prevention resources, and includes activities for the classroom. | | Guides to help patients, families, and physicians make informed decisions about obtaining and administering the most appropriate care for a child with depression. |
Partnership for Family Involvement in Education | A list of resources for parents from The Department of Education. |
PBS Parents | Information for parents on how to talk to children about sensitive subjects, such as the news and violence. |
Practical Money Skills for Life | A financial education program available for free in English, Spanish and Chinese and is designed for teachers, students, parents and consumers. |
The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning | CASEL’s mission is to enhance children’s success in school and life by promoting coordinated, evidence-based social, emotional, and academic learning as an essential part of education from preschool though high school. |
The Dr. Spock Company | Contains information for parents regarding children’s developmental issues. |
Tween Parent | Specifically focused on the parenting of pre-teens. This site offers interesting articles, a robust Community Forum, a unique Tween Dictionary and much more. |
What’s a Kid to Do When Parents Hate Each Other? | Interesting article by Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW about children and divorce. |